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NSA Breakfast Club - Who will eat UK Sheep meat in 2022? A review of work abroad to promote your product

Date: 12th January 2022

Time: 8.30am

Location: Online - zoom webinar


This is a written report of the webinar, to watch the recording again click here.

The first NSA Breakfast Club webinar of 2022 and the first under the recently announced sponsorship by Roythornes, provided sustenance in the form of encouraging details of how far and wide UK sheep meat is being promoted since Brexit happened just over a year ago.

Whilst the EU, as our closest “customer”, retains its level of significant importance, other markets further afield have been recognized, their relative attraction based on specific customer segments and the differing opportunities they present.

The prospects for global sheep meat consumption show a positive trend, driven largely by population increases and relative household wealth in emerging markets. This trend is projected to continue and the audience heard about the ongoing work both at home in terms of analysis of data and insights, and of the feet on the ground in those countries to promote UK meat and dairy and the strategies employed to develop access into those markets.

With Alastair Sneddon (NSA Central Region) presiding, speakers Dr Phil Hadley and David Swales (both from AHDB) provided a complementary overview of how levy money is used to gain information, to achieve understanding and then to develop the means for raising the British flag in the various forums available to promote sheep meat abroad and to optimise exports. Further how it is so important to identify the key messages relevant in the differing markets and so unsure the work being done is appropriately targeted to enable market development to take place.

As was to be expected questions and debate covered the recent trade deals with Australia and New Zealand, but also the respective opportunities presented by the opening of the US market, the potential for ethnic markets both across the Atlantic, but also in the Middle and Far East, as well as utilisation of the full carcase, including the 5th quarter.

Further information on the work done by AHDB to promote UK sheep meat can be seen by accessing the following links We Care: Exporting Britain to the World - YouTube & Albums (


Phil Hadley, AHDB

In his current role as International Market Development Director, Phil leads AHDB's work seeking export access to global markets, linking with exporters, UK Government Departments and their overseas equivalents to deliver technical solutions and negotiate export approval. Following access, Phil is also responsible for the vision and delivery of AHDB's international market development programmes to support the growth of exports for farmers, growers and processors to deliver stakeholder benefits.

David Swales, AHDB

David Swales is the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Boards Head of Strategic Insight. His role covers a diversity of areas from agricultural and trade policy analysis to retail and consumer insight and the evaluation of AHDB programmes and services.

Alastair Sneddon, NSA and Bagshaws

Alastair Sneddon is a member of NSA's English Committee. Alastair is Senior Partner & Managing Partner at Bakewell and is responsible for Livestock Sales at the Agricultural Business Centre Bakewell. He has over 40 years experience as a livestock auctioneer in the Peak District.