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NSA and CIEL grassland webinar

Date: 8th July 2020

Time: 7.30pm

Location: Webinar

Join NSA and CIEL for our first ever joint webinar. The webinar will feature Dr Debbie McConnell from Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI), who will be talking through the GrassCheck project and how farmers can be using the information to plan their grazing and conserved forage during this tricky year caused by the weather.

Helen Mathieu from Germinal will be highlighting options for this year to boost forage production and will discuss other pasture species that could be incorporated into leys to help improve resilience during variable years.

Please see below for a webinar agenda:

7.30 Welcome (plus housekeeping - function of Zoom), including an introduction to CIEL Mark Young, CIEL
7.35 Introduction to NSA Phil Stocker, NSA
7.40 How can the numbers from GrassCheck help farmers make better decisions? Debbie McConnell, AFBI
8.00 What forages can be grown to complement grass? Helen Mathieu, Germinal
8.10 Question time Mark Young, CIEL


To register for this free webinar please click here

Also coming soon, following this webinar, independent sheep consultant Liz Genever will be talking to Rhys Edwards (sheep farmer, Bridgend, South Wales) and Aled Evans (beef and sheep farmer, Carmarthen) about their experiences of using GrassCheck over the last two grazing season. The online discussion will be a particular focus on how the two farmers have used GrassCheck information during the dry spring and summers to help them plan their grazing management. There will be a discussion on what else is needed to help them improve their grassland utilisation. More information, including webinar date and time coming to be confirmed very soon.