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NSA and Moredun 'Iceberg' disease webinar 3

Date: 20th May 2020

Time: 8.30am

Location: Webinar

This spring we had planned to travel the country to deliver a series of roadshow meetings in relation to Iceberg diseases in sheep, in association with our close partners the Moredun Foundation and the SRUCs Premium Sheep and Goat Health Scheme. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 putting paid to these plans, we have tried something that we have never done before, webinars. We held three webinars in May, on approaches to reducing the risks and losses from ‘Iceberg’ diseases . We had over 350 people register for the events and in excess of 60% attending, which was fantastic.

The webinar kicked off with Phil Stocker introducing Iceberg diseases including why and how they should be managed more effectively. This was followed by three fifteen minute presentations. Firstly, Craig Watkins from Moredun presented on the management and control of Johne’s disease followed by Chris Cousens also from Moredun on Ovine Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma (OPA). The final speaker was Dr Alison Braddock from SRUC who provided an overview of the Premium Sheep and Goat Health Scheme, which currently includes options for Maedi Visna and Johne’s disease.  Phil comments “Getting to grips with the 5 iceberg diseases on an industry scale is going to be a really important part of increasing our productivity levels and using our resources more effectively, and its time to shine a positive light on those who are taking the time and trouble to test and screen for these diseases.   Id like to thank our colleagues at Moredun and the SRUCs Premium Sheep and Goat Health Scheme for their invaluable contributions to these webinars and I hope these webinars are a further step towards increasing trade for commercial breeding sheep that come with a level of health assurance. Nothing can be completely foolproof but this is all about reducing the risk of buying in diseases you never ordered”.

The webinars concluded with a question and answer session. The engagement was highlighted by 15 questions asked at the end of one of the seminars. The feedback we have received after the events has been great including: ’A first class webinar’ and excellent, brilliant way to keep the farming community connected and informed’.

We felt this was a fantastic way to engage with both members and non-members and are in the process of planning further webinars. We welcome your input and we are very keen to know what topics we could include for further webinars this summer, so please get in touch with us to discuss what you would like to hear.

If you missed out there is a recording of one of the Iceberg webinars available for members on the NSA website.