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NSA Marches Region and NSA South East Region Farm Walk

Date: 21st September 2023

Time: 10.30am

Location: The Grove Park Estate, Cherington, Tetbury, GL8 8PF

NSA Marches Region and NSA South East Region invite members and those with an interest in sheep to a farm walk taking place on their common border on Thursday 21st September at 10.30am.

Former NSA South East Region Next Generation Ambassador (2017), Richard Taylor manages the livestock enterprises on the 1100 acre Grove Park Estate, Tetbury. It is comprised of 600 acres of arable, with work done by a contractor, and 350 acres of pasture with some species rich wildflower meadows. Rich has been on the farm for over five years. Since a change of ownership three years ago the focus of the Estate has shifted towards producing high quality food in an economical, environmental and practically sustainable manner alongside nature with a leaning towards regenerative principles.

The sheep on the estate comprise a flock of 400 Lleyn ewes producing crossbred fat lambs and pure-bred replacements together with the largest flock of Cotswold sheep in the country, from which breeding stock are shown and sold throughout the year whilst their wool is sold to independent cloth makers. A small herd of Longhorn cattle graze species rich less productive ground whilst the Lleyn flock is mob grazed on herbal leys within a nine year rotation of four years ley/five years cereals interspersed with root and cover crops. Alongside this an Angus calf rearing enterprise has just been started.

By kind permission of The Grove Park Estate, Cherington, Tetbury, GL8 8PF.

Those attending will have lunch at a local pub and the day will end at roughly 4pm.

Please contact NSA Marches Region Manager, Katie James, on or 077448 151235 to express your interest in attending.