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NSA Breakfast Club webinar - Environment & Land Management Scheme, what to expect and where next – in conversation with Defra Director, Janet Hughes

Date: 15th March 2023

Time: 8.30am

Location: Online


This webinar is a unique opportunity to hear directly from Defra Programme Director for Future Farming and Countryside Programme – Janet Hughes.

Janet is Programme Director for Defra’s Future Farming and Countryside Programme – the team that’s responsible for transforming the way we support and regulate farming and the countryside in England. Over the next several years, the programme will be closing down existing schemes and rules and replacing them with Environmental Land Management, grant support, innovation, R&D support and a new approach to regulation and enforcement. Janet’s job is to make sure the programme delivers all this successfully and in a way that works for farmers and achieves the intended outcomes.

Join us in this webinar to put your questions to Janet Hughes and hear Defra priorities for British Agriculture along with aspects of new schemes and what could be coming down the road.

In this webinar you’ll hear Defra priorities and goals for agriculture, land management and the environment in England and gain a unique insight into where sheep farming might be headed in the years to come.

There will opportunity to pose your own questions along with an option to pre-submit questions.

Chair & Speakers:

  • Chair: Phil Stocker 
  • First Speaker: Janet Hughes - Defra Programme Director

Ms Hughes will speak for approximately 10 - 12 minutes followed by a short discussion with NSA CEO Phil Stocker there will then be opportunity for Q&A and debate.

Attendees will be asked to post questions during the discussions via the Q&A facility in Zoom. NSA will watch these questions and cluster them accordingly for ease of answering.