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NSA Northern Ireland Region Annual Members Meeting 2018

Date: 19th November 2018

Time: 7.30pm

Location: AFBI Large Park, Hillsborough, County Down

Notice is hereby given that the 2018 Annual Members Meeting of NSA Northern Ireland Region will be held at AFBI Large Park, County Down at 7.30pm on Monday 19th November to transact the following business:

1. Election / re-approval of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Treasurer

2. Nomination / re-approval of the regional Trustee Director

3. Election of new committee members

4. Chairman's report and Treasurer's report 

Members residing in NSA Northern Ireland Region are eligible to appoint a proxy on their behalf if they cannot attend the meeting, but this must be done in advance with NSA Head Office. Download a proxy notice at the bottom of this page. 


Following directly after the ARMM attendees are invited to join an open meeting which starts at 8.00 pm.

Dr Aurelie Aubry from AFBI will give an update on the current research being done there followed by Dr Tim Keady, principal research officer at the Teagasc Animal and Grassland Research and Innovation Centre, Athenry.

Tim is no stranger to Northern Ireland farmers as he spent some time at AFBI, Hillsborough. He contributed to studies in several aspects of dairying while on the dairy research team there. For a time, he led the Beef Programme and assisted with work which improved the efficiency of beef production in Ireland.

Tim moved back to the South of Ireland when he joined the Teagasc team in Athenry where he has been responsible for numerous research projects and technology transfer for efficient sheep production over several years. Tim has chosen the title ‘Key aspects of profitable sheep farming’ for his talk and will, no doubt, make his audience think seriously about their sheep enterprises in a more serious way. Tim’s excellent communication skills are likely to make the evening a worthwhile and informative experience for the audience and after the presentation a Q & A session will allow some more focused debate about current issues.

Contact NSA Northern Ireland Region Development Officer Edward Adamson on 07711071290