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NSA South East Region: Two rams-fit-for-purpose meetings

Date: 3rd September 2015

After the success of previous years' meetings, NSA South East Region joined together with AHDB Beef and Lamb to facilitate two timely meetings on ram management.

The general consensus from those attending NSA South East Region’s rams-fit-for-purpose meetings (held jointly with AHDB Beef and Lamb) was that the two events were very worthwhile. The meetings, replicated after last year’s success, were led by Nerys Wright of AHDB Beef and Lamb who spoke on the importance of ram management and how selecting the right ram and having a longer productive life can make a difference of up to £8/lamb. Vet Keith O’Donnell from Westpoint Vet Group spoke on health issues to be considered on choosing a ram and the need to check on an annual MOT well before needing them. David Barber, farm manager at Warborough Farms, also demonstrated collecting semen and inseminating it to the cervix.