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NSA Eastern Region 2014 AGM

Date: 22nd October 2014

On 22nd October NSA Eastern Region held its regional AGM, at which the officers for the region were re-appointed. Andrew Foulds continues as Chairman and Trustee Director, with Dan Phipps as Vice Chairman. John Maxwell stood down as English Committee Representative due to ill health and all wish him a quick improvement. Taking his place was Philip Sabin, who will join Andrew and Dan as an Eastern Region rep.

The finances of the region are in good stead, because of the two ram sales held at Rugby and Melton Mowbray and the Winter Fair held in January this year, again at Melton Mowbray.

The AGM was followed by a full and fascinating talk by Phil Stocker on NSA, his work and his recent trip to China. This was followed by an equally interesting and informative talk on EID and electronic transfer of data and how the new systems available can aid our management and decision making processes, provided by Angus Darling of StockTrace, who kindly helped sponsor the evening.