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NSA Northern Ireland AGM and Sheep Conference

Date: 19th November 2014

The NSA Northern Ireland Region AGM took place on Wednesday 19th November, with all office bearers being re-elected. Samuel Wharry was proposed to represent Northern Ireland on the NSA Board of Directors for another term. Crosby Cleland was also re-elected as N.I. Representative on the NSA Finance & General Purpose Committee.

There was an excellent attendance at The Sheep Conference that followed immediately after the AGM. Dr Liz Genever from Eblex explained new findings and relationships between body condition scores and subsequent physical performance in breeding ewes. Dr Aurelie Aubry from AFBI informed those attending of the findings from their research on various cross breeds and their efficiencies. NSA Communications Manager Joanne Briggs explained how NSA is investing in young people interested in sheep and the two N.I. representatives on the NSA Next Generation Ambassador scheme gave an overview of the programme and how they had benefited from their participation.

Applications for the NSA Next Generation Young Ambassador Programme for 2015 are now open and Joanne invited anyone between the ages of 18 & 35 to apply. Find out more about the NSA Next Generation Ambassador programme here.