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NSA South East Region 'Ram Fit For Purpose' Showcase 1

Date: 16th September 2014

Ram Management Workshop
‘Focus on Fit For Purpose Breeding Rams’
4pm at Plumpton College, Ditchling Road, Plumpton, Sussex, BN7 3AE
by kind permission of Plumpton College

Join Eblex and NSA for timely meeting to discuss ram management prior to the mating season. We will be joined by independent sheep consultant Catherine Nakielny who will discuss the importance of ‘fit for purpose’ breeding rams. This will include a demonstration on how to carry out a physical examination of the ram to ensure he is suitable for breeding. Sion Parry, Signet Breeding Consultant, will also discuss how to use and understand Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs).


  • 4pm: Arrival and registration with tea and coffee
  • 4.10pm: Welcome and introduction: Bob Blanden, NSA South East Regional Manager
  • 4.15pm: Is your ram ‘fit for purpose’? The importance of ram productivity, feeding options for breeding rams and a practical demonstration of a ram MOT: Catherine Nakielny, independent sheep consultant
  • 5.45pm: Using and understanding Estimated Breeding Values (EBV’s) in rams: Sion Parry, Signet Breeding Consultant
  • 6.15pm: End

To register for your FREE place ring the Eblex events office on 01904 771211 or email

This project is supported by the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) for which Defra is the Managing Authority, part funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas. EBLEX is a division of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board