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NSA Electronic Database Road Show - Meeting 2 of 6 - plus NSA South West Region AGM

Date: 19th February 2014

NSA South West Region held its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 19th February at Exeter Livestock Centre. The AGM incorporated the second of NSA's six open meetings with SouthWestern, the provider of the new electronic sheep movement reporting database in England.

The National Sheep Association’s series of meetings with SouthWestern got off to a flying start with well-attended meetings in Cirencester and Exeter on Wednesday 19th February. The lunchtime session at Cirencester Livestock Market drew a crowd of 60 and the evening meeting at Exeter Livestock Centre attracted 170 people.

Both meetings featured a presentation by SouthWestern’s Joe Ryan followed by a question and answer session. Mr Ryan spoke about SouthWestern’s background and their experience delivering agricultural projects, before moving on to an in-depth explanation of the new ARAMS (Animal Recording and Movement Service) system coming into use from 1st April. Changes to paper reporting were discussed alongside a detailed run-through of how electronic reporting would work for farmers who elected to use it, including in common movement scenarios. The floor was then opened for questions.

NSA Chief Executive Phil Stocker says: “It’s great that SouthWestern have found time to do these meetings with us before the system goes live in April. The turnout at the sessions so far has been huge and it’s interesting to see that so many people are thinking about using the online option for the new movement reporting system. The information SouthWestern are providing at these meetings is very clear and practical and I hope that everyone who attends finds it useful.”

At the AGM, Robert Jordan stood down as Regional Chairman and NSA Board member and Vice Chairman Bryan Griffiths replaced him in both these roles. Bryan comes from Umberleigh and is a past Chairman and current member of South Molton Sheep Group, which means he meets a lot of sheep farmers and is ideally placed to hear their views on the current state of the industry.

The new Vice Chairman is Alan Derryman. Alan comes from Sidmouth, where he rents 600 acres and keeps 900 ewes and 70 suckler cows. He is well known as Senior Shearing Instructor for the South of England for the Wool Board.

Sue Martyn retired as Regional Secretary and was replaced by Kate White. Kate comes from Wellington and works for an outdoor company based on the Quantock Hills. She and her partner keep 200 ewes and some calves. 

Sue says: "I’m sure Kate will be a great asset to the region and wish her well in her position. I have been Regional Secretary for 15 years and have enjoyed every minute of it. Unfortunately for the region they are not going to be entirely rid of me as I am staying on as Regional Treasurer, Organiser for Sheep South West (next held in 2015) and Secretary of the South West Ram Sale at Exeter in August."