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NSA Cymru/Wales Region AGM

Date: 18th February 2014

The NSA Cymru/Wales AGM on Tuesday (18th February) saw David Pittendreigh complete his two-year stint as Chairman and pass the reins to Paul Wozencraft of Rhayader, Powys. David also very graciously stood down as a NSA Trustee, to allow Paul to move into this position alongside Tim Ward (who was confirmed as Regional Treasurer at the AGM) and Margaret Dalton. Paul, his wife Nicola and their three children run 600 ewes over 300 acres, as well as a small flock of pedigree Balwens and a dozen cross-bred suckler cows. Also at the AGM, Carmarthenshire farmer Llew Thomas was elected Vice Chairman. He breeds pedigree Lleyn sheep and is a former sheep specialist with the Meat and Livestock Commission. Llew continues to represent NSA Cymru/Wales on the NSA Finance and General Purposes Committee, alongside Catherine Nakielny as the UK Policy and Technical representative.
The AGM was followed by a liver fluke workshop that illustrated how successfully coping with infection can mean the difference between profit and loss. Specialist sheep vet and past President of the Sheep Veterinary Society, Kate Hovers, stressed the importance of breaking the cycle of infection, particularly with spring treatment of sheep, cattle, goats, alpacas and lamas. She said: “This time of year we are mainly looking at adults that are producing eggs, so just treat the adults. As you go into September, October time, most of your fluke are going to be immature. Unfortunately the products that treat immature fluke have all got 35/42 day plus withdrawals, so it really is thinking ahead and wondering about which grazing you can put lambs on, which ones really are ready for finishing and treat with a product that will kill the immature.” Aberystwyth University scientist Dr Neil Mackintosh outline how a pilot scheme carried out on NSA Vice President and Lampeter farmer, Margaret Dalton’s, farm had shown the importance of monitoring. He said faecal egg counting following heavy losses the previous year had helped to pinpoint when she should treat for fluke.