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NSA Eastern Region Farm Walk

Date: 11th June 2014

Eastern Region members were treated to a wonderful afternoon looking around Ickworth Park in Suffolk. The estate is owned by the National Trust and runs to 1,800 acres of which 850 is parkland. Since 1970 The Seabrook family have run the sheep flocks which are such an important aspect of maintaining this ancient landscape.  

Today Paul Seabrook manages the 1,000 strong ewe flock. These are mainly North Country Mule and Suffolk cross ewes put to a Texel flock. Lambing takes place in March, all outside in the park. Increasingly a number of Texel cross ewes are being retained and these will probably be mated to Charollais tups this year. 

“We have had a wonderful lambing and growing season this year – compared with 2013 it has been a joy.” The first draw of lambs went away in 12-14 weeks. “Our aim is to market at 38 kgs liveweight, but a few of the singles have grown so well they were a bit over this” explained Paul. The aim is to run a simple system, there are no buildings so everything lambs outside with the aid of a few mobile lambing pens dotted around the park.  Supplementary feeding to the ewes is done with a snacker feeder which have revolutionised the man hours required for feeding. 

During the farm walk members learnt about the ancient trees in the park the oldest of which are over 700 years old and visited the wonderful Italianate gardens and recently extended stumpery.


Don’t forget the two Eastern Region ram sales:

Friday 22nd August, Rugby market
Friday 19th September, Melton Mowbray market