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NSA South East Region 2012 AGM

Date: 15th November 2012

The NSA South East Region’s AGM will be held on Thursday 15th November at The Swan Hotel,11 West Street, Alresford, Hants, SO24 9AD.

The AGM will be held at 6pm and include an update from Phil Stocker, NSA Chief Executive. It will be followed by Alan Wight from AHVLA, Winchester, talking on 'A Vet’s View on Current Disease Threats', and then 'Guess Their Use' - a fun quiz on some items from Jim Cook’s unique collection of shepherding and shearing  memorabilia.

The evening will be rounded off with supper, so to help the caterers, please let Bob Blandon know if you are coming along, by the end of October. Call 01666 860308 or 07860 689391, or email