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NSA South West Region Ram Sale

Date: 15th August 2018

The Texel’s were in Ring 1, and it was there FH Chave and Son had the top price of the day of 1450gns for a shearling with another (the show champion)  at 1000gns and an average of £716. It was good to see young Freddie Barker from Wellington in the money selling his second placed shearling for 1200gns. Richard Burrough and family from Axminster sold for 950gns, while Robert and Rebecca Jordan’s top price was 850gns. Two vendors topped at 800gns – Graham Hill and EW Quick and Sons. There were only a few females entered for who there was little demand, selling to 250gns for a shearling from Malcolm Yeo. Overall there was an 85% clearance rate.

Suffolks led the way in Ring 2 with a Suffolk shearling from HC Derryman and Sons reaching 800gns. Robert Hopper and family saw their best make 780gns. Only a few ram lambs were forward and these reached 550gns for Robin Irwin.

Berrichon shearlings made up to 560gns for Malcolm Yeo and Clive Morse made 320 for ram lambs. John and Gill Adams made 440gns for a Lleyn and  Richard Turner sold for 300gns as did Paul and Sarah Eckett. Top price for the crossbreds was 420gns for sheep from the Quick family and Adrian Dufosee and family. Blue Texels made 400gns for Gwen Renfree, Poll Dorsets topped at 380gns for Richard and David Rossiter and the Derryman family also sold Romneys to 280gns.

Beltex led the way in Ring 3. Here the champion from Andrew Bishop reached 1300gns. The Dufosee family sold well to 580gns with Louise Elworthy selling shearlings to 500gns and ram lambs to 400gns. Lorna Gregory also sold shearling rams to 400gns. With fewer females entered than some years Andrew Bishop topped the trade at 500 and Margaret Heard and John Garland at 300.

There were fewer Charollais’ entered and while the quality was good the trade was more selective. Angus and Sue Howie topped the day for a shearling at 720gns. Mike and Melanie Alford made 620 for their best and the Quick family made 520gns. The champion came from John Barker and family with a ram lamb that went on to sell for 650gns to the show judge. Carol Irwin sold to 600 for a ram lamb and topped the female trade at 500 for a shearling.

New this year was Ring 4 which was solely for Non MV sheep with selling starting at 11.30. The small crowd around this ring all wanted to buy and it was Bluefaced Leicesters that led the way topping at 350gns for Brian Dallyn, a price that was also achieved for a Charollais from Harold Keast. Reg and Annie Pedrick sold crossbreds to 320, Norman Dalgarno sold Border Leicesters to 300. Lleyns from Alan and Karen Stephens topped at 260gns and Beltex shearlings from Sam Russell made 250.

The ram sale committee hope that everyone went away pleased with their purchases and hope to see them and others in 2019 on Wednesday August 14th.