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NSA Scottish Region Sheep Centre at Royal Highland Show

Date: 21st June 2018 - 24th June 2018

Location: Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston, Edinburgh, EH28 8NB

Visitors to this week’s Royal Highland Show were welcomed once again to a busy and lively NSA Scottish Region marquee featuring an array of interesting demonstrations and competitions. Joining our NSA Scottish Region committee and members for the first day of the show, NSA Chief Executive Phil Stocker reports: “It was very pleasing to see the buzz around the NSA Scottish Region marquee on Thursday. Many members and other sheep farmers joined us with a real interest in discussing the future of the sheep industry. With this topic in mind, NSA Scottish Region Chairman John Fyall and myself were pleased to attend a breakfast welcome from QMS to hear Rural Economy Minister Fergus Ewing announce a new strategy on the future of farm policy measures in Scotland titled ‘Stability and Simplicity’. Thursday also provided an opportunity to attend an inspiring seminar on women in agriculture.” The Royal Highland Show continues today (Friday) and throughout the weekend. Members visiting the show are encouraged to pop by the marquee to enjoy the activities on offer, including lamb tastings supported by Aldi. Aldi will also be issuing 50% off vouchers for customers to purchase Scotch lamb burgers throughout their stores in Scotland. With the weather forecast remining sunny this sounds a perfect opportunity to enjoy some lamb on the barbeque during the next few weeks.