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NSA IAE weigh crate giveaway 2017: Jenny Parry and Mike Smith

1st May 2018

With plans to put their prize straight to work, Jenny Parry and Mike Smith have been announced as the final lucky winners of an IAE weigh crate given away as part of the National Sheep Association’s (NSA) membership prize draw for 2017.

Jenny and Mike of Chapel Farm, Abergavenny, farm 400 ewes within the Brecon Beacons National Park. Reacting to their win, Jenny says: “We are delighted! We never win anything and this new crate will be put to work immediately with our main lamb selling time ahead of us.

“We reintroduced sheep production 10 years ago, when we purchased this farm, and currently run a fairly extensive system. We finish our lambs off grass and clover leys, feeding zero creep and sell through Monmouthshire Livestock Market. The only concentrates fed to ewes is during the run up to lambing, which takes place indoors in March and April. The new crate will be a great help, giving us accurate weights rather than using estimates!”

Sheep production runs alongside additional full time work for Jenny and Mike who have their own company producing hand clefted oak products for restoration projects. Despite busy schedules and two young children the couples aim remains to produce good quality finished lambs as efficiently as possible.

Jenny and Mike were entered into the prize draw after visiting NSA Welsh Sheep back in May, at what proved to be a rather wet but enjoyable day for the couple. They are the final winners of one of four weigh crates that have been given away this year by NSA and sponsors IAE. The prize draw for 2017 has now closed but NSA looks forward to releasing news of another fantastic giveaway as part of their membership promotions for 2018 very soon.