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NSA IAE weigh crate giveaway 2017: Daisy Williams

20th September 2017

With an expanding flock and a growing passion for sheep, timing could not have been better for Daisy Williams to win an IAE lamb weigh crate as part of a National Sheep Association (NSA) giveaway this year.

“I was completely shocked to receive the phone call telling me I had won,” Daisy says. “I rang my dad straight away and we were both over the moon. We have been looking at new weigh crates, so this win couldn’t have come at a better time”

Daisy is the third winner in NSAs membership recruitment prize draw, which is giving away four IAE lamb weigh crates worth more than £550 through this year. New NSA members are automatically entered into the draw on signing up, as well as existing members who recommend someone to join.

Daisy had begun a carpentry course at Hereford and Ludlow College before deciding a career in agriculture was her calling and returning home to help on the family farm in Newton St Margarets, Herefordshire. She is hopeful the win will help her to achieve better returns from her finished lambs as she continues to expand her mixed commercial flock, run alongside the family’s dairy herd.

Growing up, Daisy says it was her Grandad who originally sparked her interest in sheep. She explains: “After returning home from college to help on our family farm, I was excited to be given five North Country Cheviots to get started with. I’ve built that up to a flock of 52 so far, which I’m planning to carry on expanding and developing in the coming years I’ll be selling my rams at the NSA Wales & Border Main Ram Sale in Builth for the first time later this month which I’m looking forward to.

As a young shepherd, Daisy says she is keen to make the most of her NSA membership to help move her growing sheep enterprise forward. She says: “There is so much useful information to hand as an NSA member, which is especially beneficial for young farmers like myself as I continue to learn about the industry. I would definitely recommend any young person involved with join up. I am looking forward to getting involved further, especially with the Next Generation training days where I can meet other like-minded people.”

A fourth and final IAE weigh crate will be given away later this year. Full terms and conditions and membership application forms at