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Brexit Toolkit

When the UK was leaving the European Union there was a huge amount of uncertainty and concern for the sheep sector. The industry was being told to prepare for change – but it was very hard to do this when it was unclear exactly what the change might be. At the time, NSA put together a Brexit Toolkit. The information in that toolkit is as relevant today as it was during Brexit, as it looks at attitudes towards change and the process for making alterations to increase efficiency and productivity, enter partnerships or collaborations, move to part-time farming supplemented by an alternative income stream, or to change land use or introduce diversification enterprises to access additional income streams.

Any on-farm solutions are not just about figures and financial performance, as the mind-set of individuals and the impact on families and networks is equally as important.

This toolkit is designed to provide practical advice as well as signpost sheep farmers towards the range of organisations that can provide additional support and help. NSA has split the toolkit into the seven specific areas below. Each section has farmer case studies, expert advice provided in a podcast, and links to more information.

This ‘Business readiness toolkit’ was produced by the National Sheep Association in October 2019, as the UK prepared to leave the EU. It was facilitated by grant funding from the ‘Business Readiness Fund’, which is administered by the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.