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NSA UK Policy and Technical Committee

The role of the NSA UK Policy & Technical Committee is to discuss current and forthcoming policy and technical issues, aiding the NSA to reach policy positions and priorities for work. The work done by, and within this committee assists NSA in maintaining a clear focus and results in consistent messaging from all staff and officeholders. The committee, supported by research and preparation done by NSA staff, debates specific policy and technical issues and ensures all NSA members and their farming types are considered. It advises the Board of Trustees in decision making on policy and technical matters.

The committee consists of two representatives for the NSA regions in England (as elected by the NSA English Committee) and one representative from the NSA Cymru/Wales, Scottish and Northern Ireland regions. Co-opted members may also be elected where appropriate. A chairman is elected from within the committee. NSA staff members involved with this committee include the Chief ExecutiveNSA Development Officers for Wales and Northern Ireland, the NSA Scottish Region Coordinator and various other NSA Head Office staff involved in policy and technical work.

Kevin Harrison
Kevin Harrison
NSA UK Policy & Technical Chairman
Viv Lewis
Viv Lewis
NSA regions in England
John Lloyd
John Lloyd
NSA Cymru/Wales Region
Clive Phillips
Clive Phillips
NSA Scottish Region
Antony Spencer
Antony Spencer
NSA regions in England
Campbell Tweed
Campbell Tweed
NSA Northern Ireland Region