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NSA English Committee

The role of the NSA English Committee is to ensure NSA’s work reflects the needs of members in England. It highlights the priorities of NSA regions in England so they are represented on the NSA UK Policy & Technical Committee. The NSA English Committee communicates directly on English matters with Government ministers, providing this is within the agreed policy of the organisation.

The committee consists of three representatives from each of the six NSA regions in England, and these 18 individuals are led by a chairman elected from within the committee. NSA staff members involved include the Chief Executive and various other NSA Head Office staff involved in policy and technical work.

Ant Spencer
Ant Spencer
NSA English Committee Chairman
Matthew Haydon
Matthew Haydon
NSA Central Region
David Howlett
David Howlett
NSA Central Region
Alistair Sneddon
Alistair Sneddon
NSA Central Region
Lisa Adams
Lisa Adams
NSA Eastern Region
Lou Osman
Lou Osman
NSA Eastern Region
Dan Phipps
Dan Phipps
NSA Eastern Region
Andrew Powers
Andrew Powers
NSA Marches Region
Richard Vines
Richard Vines
NSA Marches Region
Thomas Carrick
Thomas Carrick
NSA Northern Region
Rebecca Wilson
Rebecca Wilson
NSA Northern Region
Viv Lewis
Viv Lewis
NSA Northern Region
Andrew Barr
Andrew Barr
NSA South East Region
Matt Blyth
Matt Blyth
NSA South East Region
Susie Parish
Susie Parish
NSA South East Region
Olly Matthews
Olly Matthews
NSA South West Region
Richard Rossiter
Richard Rossiter
NSA South West Region
Jonathan Stephens
Jonathan Stephens
NSA South West Region