Individuals working within sheep sector ancillary services and needing to collect continuous professional development (CPD) points each year can use their NSA membership to count towards the total.
Members of the Register of Sheep Advisors (RoSA) can claim two points per year for being an NSA member. They can also collect points by attending NSA-organised events and webinars (points vary by event).
Suitably Qualified Persons (SQPs) who hold their qualification with Vetpol can also claim 15 minutes of accredited CPD for each article they read in NSA Sheep Farmer magazine, if they submit to Vetpol a short review of the article and state why it was of value to them and their role.
Suitable Qualified Persons (SQPs) / Registered Animal Medicines Advisers (RAMAs) registered with AMTRA cannot collect CPD points via their NSA membership, but can by attending NSA seminars and workshops registered with AMTRA - typically at the biennial NSA Sheep Event.
If you would like any advice on CPD points offered via NSA, or collect CPD with an industry body that isn't currently linked to NSA, please email