NSA Next Generation sponsorship opportunities
The NSA Next Generation programme is made possible by the funding provided by NSA regions and ram sales. In addition to the core activity, more elements can be added to the programme if funding is available. The list below outlines existing sponsorship opportunities, but NSA is always open to new suggestions from third parties.
- NSA Next Generation workshops across the UK cover a wide range of practical sheep farming topics and can be appropriate for sponsorship / joint working.
- NSA Next Generation Shepherd competitions include regional qualifiers, the biennial UK final and opportunities for competitors to progress to European and World events. Sponsorship can be as small as supporting one of six elements within an individual competition, right up to supporting the final.
- NSA travel bursaries are already delivered in partnership with the Company of Merchants of the Staple of England, but additional opportunities could be offered with other partners.
- NSA Next Generation parliamentary visits are an incredible way for young people to learn about the inner workings of government and lend themselves to being delivered in partnership with a sponsor.
- Existing sponsorship for young people to attend industry conferences could be further enhanced with more partners coming on board.
- NSA Next GENE-eration is actively looking for more breeding groups or breed societies to work with.
NSA would be delighted to discuss sponsorship opportunities with you, as a stand alone initiative or as part of a package of NSA activity. Click here to find contact details for Helen Roberts, NSA Corporate Sales Manager, and Fiona Parker, who organises NSA Next Generation activities.
NSA is grateful to everyone that helps and supports the delivery of the Next Generation programme, including the following companies: